- Wrong label in active step 'Delete columns'CLO-29311Resolved issue: CLO-29311Michal Pribila
- Automatic type conversions in output mapping in WranglerCLO-28918Resolved issue: CLO-28918Jiri Trnka
- Delete columns step: add ability to "keep selected columns"CLO-28916Resolved issue: CLO-28916Jiri Trnka
- Conditional steps and groupsCLO-28794Resolved issue: CLO-28794Michal Pribila
- Conditionally enable or disable steps in WranglerCLO-28715Resolved issue: CLO-28715Martin Sláma
- Excel source - negative zeros Currency with $ SymbolCLO-28532Resolved issue: CLO-28532Jiri Trnka
- Excel target custom number formatsCLO-28524Resolved issue: CLO-28524Jaroslav Kylberger
- Excel cell value formatter improvementCLO-28514Resolved issue: CLO-28514Jaroslav Kylberger
- Excel source - negative zerosCLO-28507Resolved issue: CLO-28507Jaroslav Kylberger
- Visualization of the errors in the CTL editorCLO-28465Resolved issue: CLO-28465Michal Pribila
- Excel number formats improvementsCLO-28448Resolved issue: CLO-28448Jaroslav Kylberger
- Wrangler - rows read/written - format improvementCLO-28239Resolved issue: CLO-28239Michal Pribila
- Wrangler: Detecting Excel decimals vs integersCLO-28180Resolved issue: CLO-28180Jiri Trnka
- Add connector name to the detail of the source/targetCLO-28171Resolved issue: CLO-28171Roland Botka
- Cannot delete source/target from detail headerCLO-28097Resolved issue: CLO-28097Filip Reichman
- Wrangler steps - delimiter backslash supportCLO-28030Resolved issue: CLO-28030Pavel Salamon
- Execution properties for Wrangler workspaces: debug and loggingCLO-27914Resolved issue: CLO-27914Pavel Salamon
- Move Mask text step to Anonymization categoryCLO-27913Resolved issue: CLO-27913Jiri Trnka
- New step: Add noise to dateCLO-27912Resolved issue: CLO-27912Jiri Trnka
- New step: Add noise to numberCLO-27864Resolved issue: CLO-27864Jiri Trnka
- Add check for maximum target name lengthCLO-27744Resolved issue: CLO-27744Martin Navratil
- The same target is not used for the duplicated job as for the originalCLO-27711Resolved issue: CLO-27711Michal Pribila
- Deleted target does not get deleted from My TargetsCLO-27709Resolved issue: CLO-27709Filip Reichman
- Remove the arrow button in My Sources / Targets tableCLO-27667Resolved issue: CLO-27667Roland Botka
- Display the type of source/target in My Jobs tableCLO-27665Resolved issue: CLO-27665Filip Reichman
- Move Delete, Rename and Duplicate steps to the top of the Context menuCLO-27662Resolved issue: CLO-27662Filip Reichman
- Make vertical content scrollableCLO-27657Resolved issue: CLO-27657Filip Reichman
- Integrate Data Catalog into source / target selection in jobCLO-27655Resolved issue: CLO-27655Roland Botka
- Make the type columns in My Sources and My Targets wider to show the whole nameCLO-27616Resolved issue: CLO-27616Michal Pribila
- Relax formatting requirements for date values in WranglerCLO-27529Resolved issue: CLO-27529Jiri Trnka
- Make the error icon in Step panel interactiveCLO-27528Resolved issue: CLO-27528Filip Reichman
- Remove id attribute from SearchFilterBox componentCLO-27449Resolved issue: CLO-27449Filip Reichman
- Hints / examples for steps with regex propertyCLO-27439Resolved issue: CLO-27439Michal Pribila
- Change settings for the default CSV targetCLO-27363Resolved issue: CLO-27363Jiri Trnka
- Formula - linter and autocompleteCLO-27361Resolved issue: CLO-27361Roland Botka
- Search in preview columnsCLO-27358Resolved issue: CLO-27358Roland Botka
- Hints / examples for formulasCLO-27357Resolved issue: CLO-27357Roland Botka
- Add new item to the Navigation diagram in jobCLO-27323Resolved issue: CLO-27323Roland Botka
- Add icon to the Step panel when there is an errorCLO-27322Resolved issue: CLO-27322Roland Botka
- Better UI for configuration section in My sources/targetsCLO-27321Resolved issue: CLO-27321Michal Pribila
- Copy column name for formulasCLO-27265Resolved issue: CLO-27265Michal Pribila
- Links to documentation in Wrangler should open a new tabCLO-27264Resolved issue: CLO-27264Jiri Trnka
- Visual fixesCLO-27240Resolved issue: CLO-27240Roland Botka
- Use of Wrangler "mapping" jobs in Designer projectsCLO-27208Resolved issue: CLO-27208Tomas Horsky
- Job editor - No source selected screenCLO-27178Resolved issue: CLO-27178Michal Pribila
- Tooltip for "Use in a new job"CLO-27177Resolved issue: CLO-27177Michal Pribila
- My Targets and My Sources should not look like a file managerCLO-27176Resolved issue: CLO-27176Roland Botka
- Unify Source and Target detail tabs in catalogCLO-27175Resolved issue: CLO-27175Michal Pribila
- Save indicatorCLO-27072Resolved issue: CLO-27072Filip Reichman
- Undo/redo for mappingCLO-27071Resolved issue: CLO-27071Roland Botka
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