Library health check
Kamil Kočí
Kamil KočíReporter
Martin Sláma
Martin SlámaSprint
Steps to reproduce
100% Done
Kamil Kočí September 7, 2023 at 9:24 AM
Jobs were deleted
Kamil Kočí July 27, 2023 at 1:46 PMEdited
What to test
Try graph/subgraph and jobflow
Oli: Test the UI thoroughly, as its base subtask was closed in earlier stages of the story - some features might have changed since
Oli: graph, subgraph and jobflow should all be usable for healthcheck, test this as well.
Kamil Kočí July 20, 2023 at 8:18 AMEdited
A new version of library.json
As an admin of CloverDX Server I need to know if some of my installed libraries stop working. Introduce health check for the library.
Acceptance criteria:
When creating the library from Designer, the user is able to select one "health check graph/subgraph/jobflow". The health check graph is optional. - CLO-27004
health check graph is saved in the library descriptor
When installing the library the admin has an option to schedule health check (for the libraries with health check graph implemented)
add a new checkbox to install library wizard. If checkbox is checked, the health check scheduler is installed.
the health check graph is scheduled to run every 24 hours (regular scheduler is created).
the scheduler is fired immediately (so that the health check runs immediately)
"Schedule Health Check" action is available for installed library with health check implemented but not scheduled yet. - CLO-27007
"Configure Health Check Schedule" action is available. The action navigates the user to the scheduler so that the user can easily modify it. - CLO-27008
"Delete Health Check Schedule" action is available. The action deletes the scheduler. - CLO-27009
"Run Health Check" action is available. The action runs the health check scheduler immediately - CLO-27010
"Show Health Check History" action is available. The action navigates to Execution History filtered to health check graph. - CLO-27011
When the library is enabled/disabled the health check scheduler is enabled/disabled automatically. - CLO-27012
the health check graph is run automatically if the library and scheduler is enabled
When the library is deleted the health check scheduler is deleted automatically.
Information about current configuration of health check for the library will be shown on Overview and Configuration tabs - CLO-27015
Installed library gets red if the health check graph fails (similar to the failing schedules or listeners). Error details (= error message form failed health check graph) should be available. - CLO-27016
Implementation notes:
user can remove health check scheduler from Schedulers
it must not be possible to create more than one health check listener for the library
health check scheduler is normal scheduler. For example it is part of import/export.
if user has not permission for creating scheduler he can not create health check scheduler